Thursday, September 30, 2010

Breaking news!!

Arthritis Act Passes Banner

We were on the schedule for September 28...then postponed.

We were on the schedule for September 29...then other bills required lengthy debate.

Finally, at 12:48AM on September 30, 2010, the Arthritis Prevention, Control and Cure Act passed in the United States House of Representatives without objection. Only ten minutes later did the House close up shop until November 15th. A big thanks to all Arthritis E-Advocates, Arthritis Ambassadors and Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA) who shepherded this bill through the House. We've come a long way!

H.R. 1210 Introduce by Rep. Anna EshooFebruary 26, 2009
Sent to House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on HealthMarch 2, 2009
Hearing in House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health
September 15, 2010
Amended at mark-up by House Energy & Commerce CommitteeSeptember 23, 2010
Passed by the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeptember 30, 2010
Passed by the U.S. Senate

Signed into law by the President

It's on to the Senate and now, more than ever, we need your support. When Congress returns in November we will have only a short period of time to get the bill out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and onto the Senate floor for a vote. Please take a moment to write your Senators and request their support for the passage of the Arthritis Act.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

6th grade!

I can't believe it is time for another school year. The summer went by so quickly!

Jacob started 6th grade a few days ago. He is growing up fast! If you remember last year Jacob

wasn't able to start school on time due to his tonsillectomy on the first day of school! I am happy to say he is starting school off healthy this year. This is a picture of him and Daniel on their first day. Daniel is in 1st grade this year! Andrew was long gone by this time, to his 1st year of high school!